I wrapped up my eight-week “A Journey Through the Charkas” series at Yoga West earlier today. Many thanks to everyone who participated. I’m looking forward to offering this series again in the future.
I’m also very much looking forward to leading a five-week series starting on May 26 (Sundays ☀️ 10-11:30am). Theme: Living the Aquarian Sutras

The series will explore five simple yet powerful teachings from Yogi Bhajan, collectively called the Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age.
I’ll talk about the many positive benefits that can come from applying these teachings to your day-to-day life and work and we’ll explore Kundalini Yoga kriyas (yoga sets) and meditations that help reinforce these practices.
EVERYONE is welcome to attend any or all classes in this series. You’ll find more information on the Yoga West website. And let me know if you have any questions..