The following resources are intended as a companion to the Awakening to Your Ten Bodies series that I taught at Yoga West from September 15 to December 1, 2019. Sat Nam.
If you understand that you are Ten Bodies, and you are aware of those Ten Bodies, and you keep them in balance, the whole universe will be in balance with you.
Yogi Bhajan
① Soul Body: Spark of the Infinite
The Soul Body is the subtle, intuitive voice that serves as a guide as you navigate your life’s true purpose. The keys to balancing the Soul Body are raising the kundalini and opening the heart.
There is something more in Kundalini Yoga than the exercises you do. It is the flow of energy. The fact is that without having your Kundalini awakened, your soul is not awakened.
Yogi Bhajan
The Soul Body Kriya for Infinity
Waves of Healing
The Soul Body – Guidance of the Soul
Waves of Healing
② Negative Mind: Longing to Belong
The Negative (Protective) Mind is the aspect of the mind that helps keep you safe by alerting you to pitfalls, dangers, and downfalls. Keys to balancing include valuing discipline, developing integrity, and strengthening the Positive Mind if the Negative Mind is overdeveloped.
Negative mind is a must,
Yogi Bhajannegative mind is given to you forright of life.
Relaxation Series to Remove Negativity and Tension
Transitions to a Heart Centered World
Meditation for the Negative Mind
The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets
③ Positive Mind: Devil (de-will) or Divine
The Positive Mind helps you see the opportunities in each situation, even those that seem unfortunate on the surface.
A positive mind tells you what is right in it. It is the conscious mind, it is the gracious mind, it is the noble mind, it is the mind which has grit and courage.
Yogi Bhajan
Kriya for the Positive Mind
Ten Light Bodies of Conciousness
Core Alignment Meditation
The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets
④ Neutral Mind: Cup of Prayer
The Neutral Mind allows you to see things as they are, drawing assessments from the positive and negative minds.
You live by your heart as a human, but it’s very difficult to do because you have to have a neutral mind. If you do not have a neutral mind you cannot be consistently constant and know who you are.
Yogi Bhajan
Kriya for Guidance
Waves of Healing
⑤ Physical Body: Teacher & Balance
The Physical Body is your human form; the physical temple that houses all of your other bodies and carries you through life.
The process of self-healing is the privilege of every being. Self-healing is not a miracle. Self-healing is the genuine process of
Yogi Bhajanrelationship between the physical and the infinite power of the soul.
The Physical Body Kriya for Self Healing
Waves of Healing
Antar Naad Mudra (during the full moon)
Meditation for Protection and Projection from the Heart is also a great option if it’s not a full moon.
⑥ Arcline: Person at Prayer
The Arcline is an aspect of yourself that helps project and protect. It’s the nucleus of your aura and an avenue of intuition.
The arc body and the eyes must connect for someone to feel that you want to communicate. That is where a relationship is created – psyche to psyche.
Yogi Bhajan
The Arcline Body Kriya for Altertness
Waves of Healing
Meditation to Clear Karma From the Arcline
Waves of Healing
⑦ Aura: Platform of Elevation
The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body. It acts as a container for your life force energy, embodying confidence and security.
Your shallowness or greatness of the soul shows up in your aura
Yogi Bhajan
The Auric Body Kriya for Sensitivity
Waves of Healing
The Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity
KRI Aquarian Teacher Training Manual and the Meditation Manual
???? Spirit Voyage Practice Video: Free Your Spirit with Ajeet Kaur
⑧ Pranic Body: Finite to Infinite
The Pranic Body provides you with energy for action and accomplishment. When it’s strong, you can go beyond fear and feel fully alive.
If the pranic body is weak you won’t be jubilant even with every environment in your favor.
Yogi Bhajan
The Pranic Body Kriya for Vitality
Waves of Healing
Pran Bandha Meditation
???? Spirit Voyage Practice Video: Breathe Through It with Nirinjan Kaur
⑨ Subtle Body: Mastery or Mystery
The subtle body is the aspect of yourself that allows you to tap into the subtle qualities of life. It helps you see beyond the immediate realities of life, going from mystery to mastery.
If a person is very acknowledging and has all essences in harmony, then he can use his subtle body. And the subtle beam is so powerful that it can move the unmovable just by thought.
Yogi Bhajan
The Subtle Body Kriya for Refinement
Waves of Healing
???? Spirit Voyage Practice Video: Breathe Through It with Nirinjan Kaur
①⓪ Radiant Body: All or Nothing
The Radiant Body is the aspect of yourself that gives you spiritual radiance, nobility, and the courage to face your life and all of its challenges.
You are wrong if you think your intelligence works or your words are powerful or you are very charismatic. Actually it is your radiant body, the glow, the shine in you that works.
Yogi Bhajan
The Radiant Body Kriya for Courage
Waves of Healing
???? Spirit Voyage Practice Video: Radiant Body Sadhana with Anne Nova
Guru Gobind Singh Shakti Mantra Meditation
Waves of Healing
Do you want to learn more about the Ten Bodies? The following books focus on this topic and include kriyas and meditations.